Monday, July 13, 2009

Bella Workshop -- August

Afternoon Ladies :)

I hope you're all having a fabulous summer (ours is significantly improved since we finally got rid of the last of our topsoil delivery.... now if only the grass would get growing :) )

I have scheduled a layout workshop for Sat. August 29th/09 from 1-5pm.... it is the "Bella Workshop on the Go" from CTMH. For those of you that aren't familiar with the "Workshop on the Go" (WOTG from here-on-out in the email) -- CTMH releases a WOTG for each new paper packet in each Idea Book. You will create 6 full 12x12 layouts that afternoon -- and the only fee is paid for specific items purchased and the great news -- You take home every leftover piece you don't use -- PLUS a full-colour guide to completing this project plus several others. This is easily my favorite paper from the Summer Idea Book -- and therefore the WOTG that I wanted to start with :) It is GORGEOUS paper!!!!

The items required for the Bella Workshop are:

Bella Lev. 2 paperpack - 15.95
Bella Stickease -- 6.25
Foundry Tabs - 4.95

And two bulk items that I have purchased:

Hollyhock ribbon -- .43c
Bella Workshop Guides -- 1.25

Total: 28.83
Shipping: 2.88
Taxes: 4.10
GRAND Total: 35.81 (which I will drop to 35$ even).

If interested -- you are free to purchase several items that you may keep for your own -- including the "Buttoned Together" stamp set (23.50$) and the Mini-medley Autumn Garden Accents (9.95$) -- I will offer those to you at a 15% discount if wanted (offer only valid at the time of workshop booking/payment).

If you're interested, please confirm to me by no later than July 31/09 -- as I will be placing my order to ensure that we have adequate supplies. I must ask that if you confirm for this workshop, that you please provide payment by July 31/09. If you are unable to attend that day -- I will GLADLY arrange to get together at a mutually agreed upon time to complete the workshop with my supplies.

I will also have the new Autumn/Winter Idea Book by this date as well -- PLUS, I am attending a CTMH consultant workshop on Aug. 22/09, so will have some sneak-peak product/project samples that weekend as well :)

I'm very excited to be doing this
I provide every other supply needed for the workshop -- stamps, inks, etc.

Hope to hear from you ladies soon!!!


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